At this time last year, Clackamas Service Center’s goal was to reach 6,000 people each month by the end of 2022.
Your support helped us exceed our own expectations months ago. Between all of our services, from groceries to showers to clothing, we’re now reaching over 10,000 people each month!

Through the addition of our warehouse location last fall, you’ve helped us to partner with over 20 other small and mid-sized organizations, with each of these Food Share Partners, in turn, serving between 40 and 2,000 people each month.

Meanwhile, at CSC’s longtime hub on 80th Avenue, programs like our meals, showers, clothing, and mail service are life savers for hundreds of people facing houselessness.
At the same time, our home grocery delivery program reaches hundreds of people each week.
“My husband and I are so grateful,” one anonymous grocery recipient shared recently. “We both have been experiencing health issues and even with health insurance, we have been experiencing food insecurity due to our bills.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I feel much gratitude to your service and the delivery people are also so nice. We have never needed food boxes because I was able to work before the cancer. Bless you all.”
Their story is a reminder that even as we celebrate the unprecedented impact of these programs, each and every individual person affected by our services faces their own unique and complex challenges.

The horrifying truth is that every day, there are people living in your zip code who go to sleep hungry, and without adequate shelter. Even previously stable households in our region are being rocked by rising rents, gas prices, and grocery costs. In the world’s wealthiest country, life shouldn’t be so hard for so many.
So, as we prepare for the second full year of our expanded operations, we need your help. We need to raise $75,000 by December 31st to fulfill our mission this winter.
Will you make a gift to CSC today, and provide support for your neighbors facing life’s biggest challenges? Donate Now

PS. It’s the gifts of people like you that have given so many of our community members the chance to build healthier, more secure lives. With your support, we can empower more people to put a healthy meal on the table for their families, take a hot shower, access medical care, and find solutions to their long-term challenges in 2023. Will you help make a difference this winter?